Completion of the JA ITS TYME implementation with Eco Sud

JA Mascareignes has completed the implementation of the JA ITS TYME program in collaboration with Eco Sud. The program was aimed at participants whose livelihood had been impacted by the Covid-19 and the Wakashio.

The JA ITS TYME program is divided into the following sessions:

Stage 1: Developing Life Skills

Session 1 (Self-Esteem, Self-Awareness and Ethics) – Understanding concept of self-esteem and self-awareness/Learn about the importance of positive thinking.

Session 2 (Goal Setting, Time Management and Critical Thinking) – Learn to set goals/Learn the importance of time management

Stage 2: Identifying the Right Business for You

Session 3 (Understanding Entrepreneurship)

Understand what it means to be an entrepreneur / Understand the difference between being a business owner and an entrepreneur/ understand the importance of team work.

Session 4 (Identifying and Communicating your Business Idea) – Identify a business idea / develop or strengthen their public speaking skills by learning how to clearly present their business ideas / learn the importance of collaboration and exchange to come up with a business name.

Stage 3: Developing Your Business Idea

Session 5 (Market Research and Analysis) – Learn the importance of market research and analysis / Learn how to carry out market research and analysis / develop a marketing strategy.

Session 6 (identify Funding Sources and Business Management) – Identify sources for your business start-up / Learn how to manage your business.

Stage 4: Financing and Launching Your Business

Session 7 (Saving for your Enterprise) – Learn the different sources of funding available / Understand the importance of saving and borrowing

Session 8 (Writing your Business Plan) – Learn the importance of a business plan / write a one to two-page business plan.

Stage 5: Managing Your Business

Session 9 (Costing and Pricing Strategy) – Learn how to determine the right price for their product or service / learn the relationship between the costs and profit/ learn the importance of controlling costs to ensure profit.

Session 10 (Financial Management) – Learn the importance of financial management and create processes and procedures to track their finances / learn how to prepare profit and loss, cash flow statements and balance sheets.

Session 11 (Finance in Action) – Learn the importance of a personal budget/ learn the importance of finance in business / learn how financial institutions work.

Stage 6: Making Your Business Sustainable

Session 12 (Leadership and Conflict Resolution) – Learn the meaning of leadership and leadership skills / learn how to use active listening skills to tackle conflict in workplace / learn negotiation and problem-solving skills.

Session 13 (Overcoming Failure in Business) – strategies that can help prevent failure in business / learn strategies for continuing business even in the case of failure.

Session 14 (Personal Action Plan) – Identify career options / learn about problem solving, critical thinking and goal setting / write an action plan.

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