Slam by Jabeer Mohung

Sa ban program la
JAM so ban program?
Mo dir ou di-fé!
Li extra or-di-ner
ki li ete? xtra or-di-ner…
Junior Achievement Mascareignes
C ene organisation, ene or-ga-ni-sa-tion
kine fer moi aprann buku kitsoz
Et en mem temp
Shhht.. Shhtt..
Sa ban manzer mne ggner dan
sa 3 programs Wi sa
3 programs ki mne assister.. Miam miam yummy..
Ek sa ban zoli mine
Oups.. Malelve sa!
Sa kantiter kamuad ki mne ggner la!
What can I say?
Ensam Ensam
Nune apran, nune corperé
Nune amizé
Selfie pa kozé!
Camera brilé… Memory full
whey mo p dir ou!
mé sa enn lot zistwar!
Sa ban momen dan premier program
CIM Youth Day, ki mne assister
Simply Yaadein man
Tak Di Na Din!
Mo retourne lakaz, vente plein
Shield dans lamé,
gift voucher dan sac
sourire lor figuir
Man, mwe dir ou
sa zour la
mo ggn locazion fer enn slam tou
Paris.. French kiss!
Cki koner koner
Cki pa koner, declaré koner
Cki mo kapav dir
C ki mo xtra
xtra xtra contan
ki mne pousse mo prezans
dans sa ban program la
Mo remercié JAM
Et mo demande ene gran bravo
pou lekip JAM, pou so ban sponsor
et pou nou mem


Cim Youth Day 2015

Saturday, 11th April 2015 will remain a memorable day for me. I attended the event organized by Cim group and Junior Achievement Mascareignes in Port Louis. It was no doubt my first steps into the world of business.


The other participants came from various colleges of the island. The program was organized in a friendly atmosphere conducive to the development of new skills in an innovative manner. No lectures here!

The creativity exercise enabled me to learn more about team building. Different participants became partners with the same objectives! We had to build an Eiffel tower within certain parameters. My team presented the best Eiffel tower- tall, strong and beautiful, and we won the ice-breaking exercise! Then, followed more specialized exercises with the engagement of teams and motivators from Cim in the preparation of the business challenge presentations.


The theme my team worked on was ‘youth-marketing’. Our discussion was centered on the financial problems faced by those in early adulthood. It seemed tough at first but with the help of facilitators, we were soon ‘entrepreneurs’ of Cim Group discussing and proposing new ideas and opinions- a real brainstorming session.


Considering the scoring rubric which included the Relevance and Business Plan Concept, Presentation skills, Creativity and Innovation and Replicability, my team and I made our final presentation before the jury. I could not believe my ears when the announcement was made. Our presentation won the day! We were each awarded a shield, a certificate of participation and a Galaxy gift voucher of Rs8000. It was unexpected and just fabulous.


One should not forget the input of specialists who coached and helped us channel our ideas especially giving us management techniques. I also have a special thought for all the different resource persons who gave us a warm welcome and a princely treatment in terms of security and hospitality. The contribution and the professionalism of the people involved were excellent. Special thanks to JA Mascareignes for giving me, this unique opportunity to build my personality and enrich my knowledge of the business world. New friends were made and I have been able to learn the value of socializing in work conditions. A day full of fun but dedicated to learning!


Mohung Jabeer, Student of Phoenix SSS Boys

Job Shadow

“The dream is not what you see in sleep, dream is which does not let you sleep” said Mr. Ajsh Baby. The quote from the late Dr. Abdul Kalam, former President of the Republic of India, signaled the launch of the JA Job Shadow 2015, hosted by Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) with the support of Junior Achievement Mascareignes. The 60 participants, who had previously participated in JA Success Skills, were divided into two groups. The first group experienced the job shadowing experience on the 29th July and second group on the 30th July 2015.

After the opening address from Mr. Biswajeet Ganguly, Chief Manager of LIC, the students were introduced to the work place and discovered the world of Insurance through the exposés of Mr. Ajsh Baby, Marketing Manager and of Mr Jah Mugul, Administrative Manager. “An insurance is like a parachute to be taken before the risk occurs,” said Mr. Baby. The two LIC hosts then proceeded and explain to the students the different aspects of insurance: the history of insurance, the concept of risk and the different types of insurances.

The participants were satisfied to have had the opportunity to participate in the JA Job Shadow experience. Valerie Lee Chee, student of St Mary’s West commented, “I always wanted to work for an Insurance Company, the presentation by the LIC Staff helped me to better understand what to expect”.