Interview with Geenisha Devi Patroo

  • Why did you choose to become a teacher?

It has always been my passion to teach. My parents were both teachers, and once I had completed my degree in Physics, I had no doubts on what I wanted to do next.

I have now been a Physics teacher for the past 6 years, and I am very much enjoying it.

  • Do you think that teaching has changed since you were a student?

Yes, with new technologies, the job of a teacher has changed. It would be great for us, teachers, to receive more trainings on how to adapt to the changing expectations of students.

We must also recognise that technological changes represent an opportunity. I can make Physics, as a subject, more attractive to my students. There are several Mobile Applications which I use as a teaching technique. It covers all the topics which they will encounter in their O-Level or A-Level exams. We also had the MIE Simulation program which we were using on the Tablets given to the students.
I have also in the past used blogs for all the extra materials which could not be covered in class.

  • How do you keep the students interested in the subject?

The key really is to relate it to reality. It is important to explain how the physics which they are learning in class applies to the world around them. You need to show them the visual results of an experiment or theory.

It is also important to make them understand how science is important and how it applies to the world around them. We must also teach them to have a scientific approach in their everyday life. It is an important skill which will help them when they enter the World of Work.

  • Do you think that JA Programs are important for your Students?

 Yes, it is important for all. Even Science students need an understanding of the Business World, and how to manage their finances.

JA Africa’s Regional Company of the Year Competition 2016: Thanks to Rogers Capital, JA Mascareignes shines at regional level

The 6th edition of JA Regional Company of the Year Competition 2016 was held in Harare, Zimbabwe and hosted by Junior Achievement Zimbabwe, from 7th to 9th December 2016 The theme of this year’s competition was  “Start Young: Own your future”. PraSino Trypa Company Ltd of Junior Achievement Mascareignes emerged as 1st Runner Up while JA Swaziland was the winner of the JA Africa Regional Company Competition. 2016.

The representatives of PraSino Trypa Company Limited were: Ophelie Turenne, Mishita Ittea, Rheeya Mahadoo and Shannon Dussaye.  The team was supported and guided by Mrs Urmilabye Toofany, Volunteer of Rogers Capital and by Mr. Shailesh Bissoonauth, Mentor and Education Officer at Ebene SSS Girls

The JA Annual Regional Competition brings together representatives of the Sub-Saharan regions of JA Africa namely Mauritius, Botswana, Gabon, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.  More than 55 students from these different countries took part in this competition and the panel of judges was composed of actors from the business world and influencers from across Zimbabwe and Africa.

This year JA Mascareigness was privileged to have Mrs. Babusha Beedassy, Communication and Marketing Manager of Rogers Capital, sponsor of JA Mascareignes’ JA Mini Company program, as member of the jury.  Rogers Capital co-sponsor of the event, also sponsored a signature award for Entrepreneurship for this regional competition, which was won by JA Gabon.

JA Africa Best Facilitator 2016

How did you feel when you found out you had won the JA Africa Best Facilitator Award?

It was a surprise for me when I was informed I was a nominee for the Award. I was deeply honoured to receive my Certificate from His Excellency Mr. Paramasivum Pillay VYAPOORY G.O.S.K., VicePresident of the Republic of Mauritius. I am proud as a Mauritian to have been in-line with the standards of JA Africa countries. It raises my profile locally. Every day I am being congratulated. I am still enjoying this moment of glory.

As a Facilitator, my role is to ensure that all youth that are on my way, become aware of JA Programs and have the
opportunity to go through them. I teach them the importance to go to school, to be educated, the World of work, what skills are required for each job, how to choose their career in relation with skills and passion. I push them to develop their leadership skills, to become JA Facilitators, to serve their peers and contribute towards an educated nation. I am glad to be part of the family of JA facilitators.


Being a facilitator for JA Mascareignes for the past recent years, how do JA Programs contribute to the development of youngsters?

Through the JA Programs, Junior Achievement Mascareignes teach the young generation to live well in their community, there is no good or bad job, to respect everybody, to learn about Civil Servants jobs, why Government perceives taxes, understand voting procedures, globalization, financial and economic skills, insurance, budgeting, how acquire skills for interviews, to write a c.v. They learn in an easy and funny way with their peers as JA programs are complementary to the formal education curriculum. JA Programs are unavoidable ways for youth to achieve success.


What do you feel is the significance of JA Mini Company for the young generations?

JA Mini Company gives the young generation a taste of what is Entrepreneurship. By managing their own company, they become aware of what is involved in running a business, while giving them the opportunity to choose their future career. In that way they can choose to become an Entrepreneur or not. With JA Mini Company Program, youth have the opportunity to build step by step their business in the right way.

JA Mascareignes et la JA Compagnie PraSino Trypa comme Invités du Jour de l’émission Bonjour Maurice

M. Vincent Supparayen, Development and Training Officer of JA Mascareignes, et Mlle. Ophélie Turenne, Directice de PraSino Trypa Company Ltd, comme Invités du Jour du Bonjour Maurice.

Michèle Lionnet comme invitée du jour sur Bonjour Maurice

Mme. Michèle Lionnet, Directrice de Junior Achievement Mascareignes, comme Invitée du Jour sur Bonjour Maurice.