JA Career Success at MFR Savanne

During the third semester of 2016, JA Career Success  was implemented at the Maison Familiale Rurale de la Savanne.

Our institution located in Souillac is a professional training institution providing alternate education and training, to improve the students’ employability and thereby foster sustainable development within our community.

Being a training institute that recruits school drop-out, doing all these sessions in English was quite difficult, but with some patience and translation all our students had whole heartedly attended and enjoyed this entire program.

It was also a great pleasure to cooperate with the 2 JA Mascareignes Staffs, Taneesha and Jessica. They really helped us in the implantation of the program. They had come to help us for some sessions. They were greatly appreciated by all our staffs and students.

JA Career Success has greatly helped  increase the self-assurance of all our students. They are now more confident about their future career, dealing with a working environment and job interviews. All the staffs and students of the MFR de la Savanne would like to thank the entire team of Junior Achievement for giving us all the tools and materials  to achieve in a career.

– Rachelle Raphaël


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