JA Career Success at Sir Leckraz Teelock SSS

JA Mascareignes has started the implementation of JA Career Success in 2015. This program is sponsored by Accenture. Corporate volunteers were present during the implementation to shoulder the teacher and share their personal experience and expertise.


The response has been very positive so far, as is expressed by Dandoo Muhammad Ahmad Razaa, student of Upper Six at Sir Leckraz Teelock SSS.

“I had already learnt about a lot of the key concepts in my textbooks, but they were just theory to me. JA Career Success™ has taught me how they all apply in real life”.


Dandoo also values the input from the Accenture volunteers. “Everyday, we interact with teachers and fellow students. The contact with the Accenture volunteers is, however, a great opportunity for us. We are able to learn about the various situations which we will encounter in the Workplace”.


He concluded: “Their experience, and the tools obtained from JA Career Success™, are preparing us for the World of Work.”

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