JA Mini Company in Rodrigues

JA Mini Company will be implemented in Rodrigues Island for the first time in 2016, through the sponsoring of Barclays Bank Mauritius. 100 youth from 15 to 19 years old will embark on a real-life entrepreneurial experience. During the 3 month program, the participants will set up their own business financed through the sales of shares, they will brainstorm to identify a product, and define the production process and various marketing and sales strategies. Four schools will be represented, namely; Le Chou College, Grande Montagne College, Rodrigues College and Terre Rouge College. A “train the trainer session” was held by the JA Mascareignes team at the Commission de L’Education, in Port Mathurin on the 18th February 2016. The participating schools were assisted in the launch of their JA Mini Company by a staff of JA Mascareignes on the 28th and 29th April 2016.

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